Demondrille Railway Relics

The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) commissioned Ecology and Heritage Partners to complete a Statement of Heritage Impact as part of the approval process for undertaking railway works at Demondrille in New South Wales.

The relics are a reminder of former railway operations at this site and form part of Australia’s railway heritage. They show how locomotives were serviced in the past without interfering with other train operations.

The scope was to determine whether the proposed works would have a negligible impact on the heritage significance of the relics that are listed on the NSW Heritage Register.

Mitigation measures were provided in the Statement of Heritage Impacts to ensure minimal impact on the collection. An induction program was also prepared to clarify the heritage issues of the site for contractors in order to avoid harm.

Further Information

For further information about built heritage assessments and advice, please contact our cultural heritage team on 1300 839 325.


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