Keilor Downs Sports and Recreational Facility - Preliminary Documentation

Notification for Publication of Final Preliminary Documentation under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)

The following notice is published pursuant to Section 95A (3) of the Commonwealth EPBC Act.

The proposed action is identified as a proposed Sport and Recreational Facility at 151C Green Gully Road, Keilor Downs, VIctoria (EPBC 2018/8348). The proposed action is to be undertaken by Brimbank City Council.

The proposed action is a controlled action under the EPBC Act. The controlling provisions are listed threatened species and communities (Section 18 and 18A). The relevant matters of National Environmental Significance is one ecological community, Natural Temperate Grassland of the Victoria Volcanic Plain. No other matters of national environmental significance are likely to be impacted. The proposed action involves the removal of Natural Temperate Grassland of the Victorian Volcanic Plain to facilitate the development of the sport and recreational facility.

Draft preliminary documentation will be on display, free of charge between 13/04/2022 and 02/05/2022 at the following locations:
Brimbank City Council, 301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine VIC 3020
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning, 2 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 3000
Ecology and Heritage Partners Pty Ltd Website:

Interested persons and organisations are invited to comment in writing on the Preliminary documentation between 14 April and 3 May 2022. Written submissions can be sent to:

Claire Raynard
Ecology and Heritage Partners Pty Ltd
292 Mount Alexander Road
Ascot Vale, VIC 3032


Persons with special needs (i.e. for whom English is a second language or who have a vision impairment) may contact Claire Ranyard, as above, or on 0437 980 490, for assistance in accessing the documentation.

Preliminary Documentation

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