Built Heritage

Urban planning in Australia exists in a complex legislative and regulatory framework. Planning for development within a heritage context requires a clear understanding of this framework, along with expert knowledge of the heritage values of a place.   

Knowing your advisors have this knowledge along with extensive experience to support successful project outcomes is important. At Ecology and Heritage Partners our built heritage team have this capability and our work is always undertaken in accordance with the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter, 2013. This document defines the principles and processes of conservation and management of places of cultural heritage significance.

If you are working with built heritage, you need an advisor who can provide clear and reliable guidance for developing, restoring or conserving a heritage place in a cost-effective manner, and in accordance with state legislation and local government policy. This is key to the success of your project. As your built heritage advisor, Ecology and Heritage Partners work closely with state government, local councils, property owners, managers, developers and architects to achieve excellent outcomes for every project.

Key Services

  • Advice to local councils
  • Heritage overlay advice
  • Heritage Impact Statements
  • Dry stone wall assessments.

How You Benefit

We understand that you expect accurate, trustworthy and timely advice regarding built heritage. We also understand that redevelopment of built heritage often requires an innovative approach that is underpinned by a thorough knowledge of relevant legislation, policy and best practice built heritage principles.

As our client you can expect: 

  • Fast turnaround that supports project timelines
  • Accurate assessments that provide certainty
  • Access to extensive built heritage experience
  • An innovative yet practical approach to resolving built heritage redevelopment, restoration and conservation.

Heritage Permits

Substantial penalties apply for undertaking works to heritage places without an appropriate heritage permit. Our built heritage specialists provide advice on your project's obligations under relevant legislation and state and local government policy, and assist with the preparation of the necessary consents and permits.

Assessing Built Heritage

Prior to any development it is essential to determine whether impacts to registered or potential heritage places will occur.

Our built heritage advisors unravel the complex layers of history and apply established heritage assessment criteria to determine the heritage significance of a place. This may include seeking out first-hand personal knowledge of a site, historical research using primary sources (e.g. archival documents, maps and photographs held in archives, museums and libraries), and researching secondary sources (e.g. published histories and heritage studies) to conduct heritage assessments.

Heritage Management

Careful management of heritage places within the constraints and opportunities defined by the place’s heritage significance is a key responsibility of owners and/or occupiers of heritage places.

Our management plans incorporate how a heritage place can be used, altered and maintained to ensure key heritage values are not compromised. Our advice addresses potential implications in detail and provides practical, viable and sensible strategies and recommendations. It includes appropriate interventions if required, with regards to design, materials and detailing a new built form.

Further Information

Download our Built and Historical Heritage Capability Statement or talk to the team on 1300 839 325 about your project requirements.


  • Application of thematic frameworks to heritage assessment
  • Archival recording (photographs and measured drawings)
  • Built heritage assessments and preliminary appraisals
  • Conservation Management Plans
  • Consultation, presentations and workshops with stakeholders
  • Dry stone wall management plans
  • Excavation
  • Expert witness (appeals, tribunals and Panel hearings)
  • Facilitation of heritage amendments
  • Heritage Impact Statements
  • Heritage policy and guideline development and analysis
  • Impact mitigation recommendations
  • Local government heritage studies
  • Precinct structure planning
  • Preliminary planning and due diligence
  • Preparation of applications for consents and permits (to government agencies)
  • Scaled section drawings and plans
  • Significance assessments


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