Ecological Assessments and Research

The accurate identification of biodiversity values, and ecological opportunities and constraints is essential to the planning and approval process of most developments, and informed decision making regarding environmental management. 

Our team commit to quality, solutions-focused advice to support your project objectives. We deliver expert ecological assessments, surveys, plans and research, and apply expert knowledge of indigenous flora and fauna species, and ecological communities across Australia.

Biodiversity Assessments for Planning and Approval

Detailed knowledge and practical application of federal and state government legislation and environmental policy, combined with the necessary qualifications, skills and experience, enable us to meet the ecological planning and approval requirements of a wide range of projects, in particular:

  • Renewable energy projects such as wind farms, solar farms and pumped hydro
  • Large transport and linear infrastructure projects such as road, rail, pipelines and transmission lines
  • Environment Effects Statements (EES) / Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) for state significant projects in the resources, energy, infrastructure, utilities and urban development sectors
  • Small to large residential subdivisions and developments.

Research and Monitoring

Ecology and Heritage Partners are regularly involved in long-term research and monitoring projects for threatened species and ecological communities across a range of ecosystems. We also collaborate closely with academic institutions and continue to build our internal literature and resources to provide the latest and relevant information for industries.

Further Information

Download our Terrestrial Ecology Capability Statement or contact the team on 1300 839 325 to discuss your project requirements.


  • Bat and avifauna management plans
  • Bird and bat utilisation surveys
  • Biodiversity assessments
  • Biodiversity/reserve management
  • Conservation management plans
  • Detailed flora and fauna assessments and research
  • Environmental Impact Statements
  • Habitat assessments
  • Habitat hectare assessments
  • Impact assessment and mitigation
  • Kangaroo Management Plans
  • Over-abundant native fauna management
  • Pest plant and animal management
  • Population viability analysis
  • Targeted significant flora and fauna species surveys
  • Threatened species management
  • Vegetation quadrats, mapping and modelling


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