If you are a land manager, landholder or developer proposing to modify the landscape through clearing, restoration or enhancement of native vegetation Ecology and Heritage Partners will work with you regarding:
Introduced plants and animals cause significant problems for the natural environment, agricultural industries and amenities. Our team assist government and private land managers to develop effective pest plant and animal management strategies.
For pest animals, minimising impact is a key aspect of sustainable land and water management. Invasive animal species are a major cause of degradation to catchments across many parts of Australia and affect a wide range of biodiversity and agricultural values. We specialise in pest management through a combination of preventative and ongoing control measures, often at a landscape scale, to achieve healthy and productive landscapes.
Native revegetation requires indigenous species of local provenance. We aim for positive environmental outcomes associated with the implementation of revegetation and management plans.
Our approach is based on providing innovative, practical and achievable advice for both rural and urban contexts.
Download our Land Management and Restoration Capability Statement or contact the team on 1300 839 325 to discuss your project requirements.