Bushfire Risk Assessment and Management

Engaging a bushfire consultant who is experienced in all aspects of bushfire risk assessment and planning not only facilitates a smooth approval process, but also gives you peace of mind knowing that the protection of your property and people on it are of the highest standard.

When you engage our team you can expect quality advice, assessments, research and policy founded on a sound understanding of bushfire behaviour and risk management strategies, expertise in the protection and management of ecological values, and in-depth knowledge of the regulatory environment.

With bushfires predicted to burn more frequently and more intensely, thorough bushfire planning and management that takes into account all scenarios is critically important at this time of global warming.

Whether you are a current or prospective land owner, developer or public land management authority, our consultants are committed to the success of your project.

Key Services

  • Bushfire aspects of planning and building permit applications
  • Strategic bushfire planning and management
  • Bushfire research and analysis
  • Policy development.

Current or Prospective Landowners

If a property is in a Bushfire Prone Area (BPA), bushfire risk must be addressed through the planning and/or building permit process when developing a site.

We are experts in this field and regularly produce any report required as part of a planning and/or building permit application including:

  • Bushfire Management Statements to respond to the Bushfire Management Overlay in response to Clause 44.06. These must address building attack level (BAL) bushfire construction standards, vegetation management, emergency access and static water supplies.
  • Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) reports for buildings constructed or altered in a designated Bushfire Prone Area.
  • Bushfire Risk Assessments that address Clause 13.02-1S of the Victoria Planning Provisions. These are typically required for large subdivisions, developments where large numbers of people gather (e.g. schools, hospitals, recreation centres), planning scheme amendments and local planning policy changes.

Local Councils or Providers of Services to the Public

Strategic bushfire planning and management underpins a sound approach to planning and operational aspects of land management. It uses a qualitative risk assessment approach to mitigate the risk and impact of fires and directly addresses client needs. 

Strategic reports may include:

  • Bushfire Management Plans for large subdivisions that require bushfire mitigation measures such as vegetation management, water availability and emergency access during the construction stages.
  • Bushfire Emergency Management Plans for locations where large numbers of people gather e.g. schools, surf life saving clubs, outdoor adventure camps.
  • Strategic Bushfire Plans for large areas of unmanaged vegetation e.g. appropriate areas for settlement growth and the siting of new buildings/communities, fire access trail construction and management.

Public Land Managers or Government Authorities

Bushfire ecology, and post-fire research and analysis increases our understanding of how and where animals survive major fires, and their habitat requirements afterwards. Our specialist team:

  • Determine the effect of fires (both small and landscape-scale fires) on a range of species and vegetation communities across Australia.
  • Evaluate patterns of recovery and the drivers influencing recolonisation of fauna species such as small mammals and reptiles.
  • Monitor populations of threatened flora species and document the changes in floristic diversity and composition at sites.
  • Review the results of fire management and risk treatment programs after a major fire, evaluate the effectiveness of risk reduction programs and identify additional measures that could be implemented to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Provide input into government agency policies and fire management programs such as national park and reserve managers.

Our team have worked on projects where fire is integral for the ongoing persistence of several threatened species, including:

  • Smoky Mouse Pseudomys fumeus
  • Heath Rat Pseudomys shortridgei
  • Broad-tooth Rat Mastacomys fuscus
  • Mallee Emu Wren Stipiturus mallee
  • Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus.

Further Information

Download our Bushfire Risk Assessment and Management Capability Statement or talk to the team on 1300 839 325 about your project requirements.


  • Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) reports in response to the Bushfire Prone Area
  • Bushfire Emergency Management Plans
  • Bushfire Management Plans
  • Bushfire Management Statements in response to Clause 44.06
  • Bushfire mapping and modelling
  • Bushfire Risk Assessments (Clause 13.02.1S reports)
  • Bushfire site and landscape hazard assessment
  • Expert witness (appeals tribunals and Panel hearings)
  • Evacuation planning
  • Fire Impact Assessments for renewable energy developments
  • Fuel load assessment, mapping and risk analysis
  • Monitoring of vegetation diversity and species richness
  • Post-fire risk assessment
  • Pre- and post–burn ecological surveys and monitoring
  • Preliminary bushfire advice
  • Pre-purchase inspections
  • Prescribed and ecological burning advice
  • Strategic land use planning such as Precinct Structure Plans and settlement planning
  • Trail construction and bushfire management

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