Kangaroo Management Plans for Residential Subdivisions

The development of a Kangaroo Management Plan is often required as part of the planning approval process for large residential subdivisions on the outskirts of Melbourne.

Many of the large subdivisions in Victoria are located within the Growth Corridors of Melbourne's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. These often contain grassland, grassy woodland and farmland that are also the habitat of Eastern Grey Kangaroos Macropus giganteus.

During the planning and approval process, a Kangaroo Management Plan is prepared to minimise risk to kangaroos, people and the broader environment that may occur as a result of unmitigated development within the home ranges of the kangaroos. A thorough staging plan may be included as part of the plan so that the movement of kangaroos, their changing needs and behaviours over the life of development at the site is considered. If development is not well managed, kangaroo populations can become land-locked or forced to leave their home range in ways that endanger their welfare or lead to adverse human interactions.

Further Information

For further information about kangaroo management plans, please contact our natural heritage team on 1300 839 325.

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